Be Festival

Dies Irae: 5 episodes around the end of the species by Sotterraneo (Italy) – 70 mins

Sharp, uncanny and provocative in style, Italian company Sotterraneo present their 2009 show Dies Irae: 5 episodes around the end of the species, re-staged 10 years later with a new cast. Literally translated as ‘Day of Wrath’ the show probes how humans archive our ‘collective’ memory of our past, present and hypothetical future. When you think about it you haven’t seen your birth and you won’t see your death. The present is a historical tense. The present is a convention. The present is above all space of action. Let’s live and celebrate our times and then return to dust. Hallelujah!

Since their first appearance at BE FESTIVAL in 2011, Sotterraneo have appeared in subsequent BE FESTIVAL’s and continued to develop work and perform internationally.

Programmed in association with SHIFT KEY.

Book Tickets

Production 2009: 
Teatro Sotterraneo

Restaging 2019: 

Daniele Villa

On Stage:
Rebeca Cardeña Gómez
Jesús Irimia
Luis Maesso
Álvaro Subiés

Light Design:
Roberto Cafaggini

Costumes, Props And Set:
Alicia Calot

Graphic Design:
Lorenzo Guagni

Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah
Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah
Kate Voegele – Hallelujah
Imogen Heap – Hallelujah

Photography Credits:
Adriano Boscato
Paolo Rapalino


Social Media:

Dies irae is awarded with the Silver Laurel Wreath Award 2011 (Mess Festival, Sarajevo)
Sotterraneo is part of the Fies Factory, of the European Network Apap – Performing Europe 2020
and is resident at Associazione Teatrale Pistoiese Production Centre.

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