Be Festival

Exploring Mask & The Storytelling Body with George Mann

Wednesday: Exploring Mask. Explore the theatre of Mask and discover what this specific discipline can teach us about the fundamentals of theatre-making. This intensive workshop will investigate how character masks function on stage. We will experiment first hand through improvisation, discover the importance of rhythm, and how the rules of mask apply to theatre in general.

Thursday: The Storytelling Body. This is a unique opportunity to dive headfirst into a productive environment that explores storytelling via a method that will push the physical limits of the actor as a creative theatremaker. The workshop will explore how the actor in an empty space can bring to life an abundant world of character, spaces, colours, emotions, and atmospheres – with the body alone. Together we will search for each performer’s specific and individual storytelling style, and gestural language.

George Mann is a practitioner, actor, writer and director. He trained at the École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris and the Royal Holloway University of London. In 2007 he formed the multi-award winning company, Theatre Ad Infinitum, which won the BE FESTIVAL 2010 Development Prize. His experience includes working with Ahuris Theatre in Japan; Compagnie Act Theatre in France; facilitating Ad Infinitum’s regular weekend Master Classes, and he is also a Visiting Acting Tutor at Rose Bruford College.

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