Be Festival

Finger, Trigger, Bullet, Gun by Stan’s Cafe (UK)

A Bosnian Serb finger pulled the trigger of the gun that started the First World War but who put the bullet in that gun? As Stan’s Cafe complete the process of remorselessly standing thousands of hand drawn domino figures in a precarious chain, we are taken behind closed doors in Berlin, Vienna and Belgrade to watch a conspiracy being built’ a conspiracy that will lead to Sarajevo, a date with the Archduke, and that that gun loaded with that bullet having its trigger pulled by that finger.

This short, taut play has been written especially for Stan’s Cafe and After A War by the Award Winning Serbian playwright Nenad ProkiĆ.

Tickets are £12 but when you arrive at the theatre you’ll be given your money back, plus generous interest, in the form of ‘REP Pounds’. You can spend your REP pounds on a variety of shows in the theatre’s Autumn & Winter 2014 season. This scheme is in celebration of BE FESTIVAL 2014’s theme: ‘alternative currencies’.

James Yarker

Nenad ProkiĆ

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