Be Festival

MOUVMA! by Collectif Corps Citoyen (Tunisia/Italy) – 30 min

Before the dust had settled, the media proclaimed the start of the revolutionary Arab Spring as the region’s stability vanished and violence exploded.

Three actors take us back to the beginning, to Tunisia, and ask questions about political change, society and the future. Torn between a desire to witness change and a desire to escape the chaos, fragments of the moment are documented, a time of agner, dignity and dull helplessness.

Produced in Tunisia and Italy, the piece continues to be shown through theatre and Fringe festivals around Europe. Presented in Arabic, French & Italian with subtitles.

Book Tickets

Director / Choreographer
Anna Serlenga

Daniel Blanga Gubbay

Produced by
Barbara Apuzzo, Marta Bellingreri, Daniele Bonaiuti, Francesca Cogni, Gabriele del Grande , Francesco Di Lorenzo, Rebekka Doesche, Dario Figoli, Luca Fumagalli, Sergio Galasso, Erica Grossi, Chiara Giubilaro, Anna Kasten, Annalisa Messina, Valeria Nadia Rosa, Roberto Rossi, Diana Santini, Roberto Sartor, Laura Sferch, Maria Giovanna Stabile, Cristina Spizzamiglio, Michele Tagliabue, Francesca Zampagni

Saoussen babba, Rabii Brahim, Aymen Mejri

Set design
Riccardo Clementi

Riccardo Clementi

Music & Sound Design
Anna Serlenga

Lighting Design
Riccardo Clementi

Francesca Oggiano

Semifinalist – Premio Scenario 2013, special mention “Stazioni d’emergenza IV atto” – Teatro Stabile di Innovazione Galleria Toledo, Napoli (IT) 2014.


In collaboration with the project DEMO MOVIN’UP II 2012, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tunisi, Teatro degli Incontri, Olinda/Teatro la Cucina, Macao, CSOA Baraonda, Le Città Sottili.


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