Be Festival

Previsão do Tempo (Weather Forecast) by Romain Teule & Daniel Pizamiglio (Portugal/France) – 30 mins

Our 10th anniversary is also an opportunity to welcome back previous artists and see their new works in development. 2016 Best of BE tour winner Romain Teule joins us again, this time with collaborator Daniel Pizamiglio and their new show.

Previsão do Tempo is an amusing theatrical essay on the passage of time and about letting the unknown enter into our lives. This piece is a paradox, a space where each fear and incomprehension transforms itself into a playful, sometimes childish, game.

Programmed in association with SHIFT KEY. 

Book Tickets

Choreographer / Director:
Romain Beltrão Teule & Daniel Pizamiglio

Romain Beltrão Teule & Daniel Pizamiglio

Paula Caspão

Triunfo-Adriano Filipe

Production :

Co-production :
Alkantara (Portugal)
PAD – pépinière artistique daviers (France)

Supported by:
Rua das Gaivotas 6 (Portugal)
Cão Solteiro (Portugal)
Galpão da Cena (Brazil)
Centro Cultural Belchior (Brazil)

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