Be Festival

Someone Loves You Drive With Care by Tom Cassani (UK) – 60 mins

A welcome return for last year’s first prize-winner at BE, with an extended version of Someone Loves You Drive With Care. Tom Cassani is a performance artist and a liar. A crafty specialist of deception, he questions our collective construction of truth and lies, often challenging the borders of his own body using blunt and scary looking objects; akin to the classic sideshow stunts made famous in vintage US circus. His trickery and disposition for deceit is enabled by his remarkable sleight of hand exposing deceptive techniques.

Professionally trained in prestidigitation, all Tom’s work uses deceit as an artistic platform, exploring subjects of truth, honesty and manipulation.

Book Tickets

Tom Cassani

Tom Cassani

Stage Maneger:
Jen Smethurst

Jen Smethurst

Co-commissioned by hÅb + Contact for Works Ahead
Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
Part of the SPILL National Platform 2016


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