Be Festival

The Cave by ODC Ensemble (Greece) – 65 min

A digital recalibration of the symbolic potency of Plato’s Cave allegory which sees last year’s BE FESTIVAL first prize award winner’s aim squarely at fake news, social networks, virtual reality allowing audiences to reflect on the walls and shadows we build around us. It’s a mash up performance where opera, cinema, digital and visual technology collide; a living experience where everything is created in real time. ODC Ensemble is led by Athens based Elli Papakonstantinou and their work embraces the bewilderment of the audience in the face of persistent dislocation.

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Choreographer / Director:
Elli Papakonstantinou

Elli Papakonstantinou
Cast: Marilena Chrysochoidi
Anastasia Katsinavaki
Pantelis Makkas
Paraskevi Petsi
Stavros Giagkoulis
Tilemachos Mousas

Set design:
Pantelis Makkas

Costume design:
Pantelis Makkas

Tilemachos Mousas

Sound Design:
Tilemachos Mousas

Lighting Design:
Olympia Mytilinaiou

Karol Jarek, Elias Moraitis



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