Be Festival

Theseus Beefcake by PanicLab (UK) – 30 min

A bastardised and humorous homage of the Athenian tale of Theseus and the Minotaur played out by a changing series of characters, each pair delving into the labyrinth of masculinity. From American frat students to wrestlers in lycra, questions arise about excess, fantasy and friendship oft-with a homo-erotic bond leading to a final showdown between the prince of Athens and the man eating legend, with boxing gloves. A story about friendship that crosses cultural borders. Created with Canadian playwright Jordan Tannahill and performed by Joseph Mercier and Jordan Lennie.

This piece is a shortened version of the full production (full length 65 minutes)

Book Tickets

Choreographer / Director
Joseph Mercier & Lennie

Jordan Tannahill

Joseph Mercier & Lennie

Set design
Rachel Good

Rachel Good

Sound design
Dinah Mullen

Lighting design
Consultancy from Ziggy Jacobs-Wyburn


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