Be Festival

Power to the People by BE Mix – 30 min

Each year BE FESTIVAL invites performers to stay in Birmingham and take part in a residency to create a show for next festival.

This year’s project, Power to the People, puts the idea of Democracy not only in the centre of the piece but in the making of it. The artists will create two different shows: one directed by award winning director Manuel Bonillo and the other one directed collaboratively by the five artists of BE Mix team.

During the festival both ‘parties’ will campaign and on June 24th audience will vote: would you rather see a show directed by ‘all’ or one directed by ‘one’?

C’mon, let’s vote!

Power to the People will premiere on 24 June 2016 but the campaign begins now. To register to vote select ‘going’ on Facebook event page here.

This piece was created with the support of DanceXchange.


Book Tickets

Choreographer / Director
Manuel Bonillo & Vladimir Tzekov

Santiago del Hoyo
Riccardo Buscarini
Saoussen Babba
Zoë Demoustier
Carlota Gaviño
Poliana Lima
Ángel de Miguel

An Wei



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